One neat thing about Hannaford is that every Tuesday senior citizens are eligible for a 5% discount on whatever they buy. I think it is tragic how our older friends and loved ones are often ostracized, so the more we can do for those of the wrinkled persuasion, the better! On another hand, senior discount day also provides me with hours and hours of very very interesting interactions with some very colorful characters.
This one woman I have named (affectionately) "Smiles" is the sourest puss you can ever meet. Immediately this morning she glared right at me. She was only purchasing one bottle of wine, so I grabbed the little brown paper wine bags to wrap it up for her. She swiftly scolded me saying "I want a big bag!" Thinking I understood, I assured her I would put her wrapped wine in a plastic bag after the paper to which she angrily responded "No! The big paper bag in a plastic bag! I know what I want!" With my taught, "unfairly yelled at but sucking it up" smile on, I handed her her wine to be chastised again to leave it on the counter behind me - she will pick it up later.
About an hour later Smiles came through my line again, scowl in place. I thought "Oh this time I'll totally get the best of her nastiness." While I was finishing ringing out the customer in front of her, I looked at her, smiled and asked "Would you like this order in paper and plastic too?" Appalled, (and I do mean appalled) she glared at me and said "I will tell you, when I get to you..." At this point I gave up and did my business as quickly and pleasantly as possible in the face of such monumental crankiness. I suppose I am a sadistic or more than slightly maniacal person, but It did do me great pleasure when she requested my bag boy to escort her to her car to help with the bags. The look of hopelessness he gave me had me grinning for minutes!
There are plenty of nice old folk, and plenty of mean ones. There are plenty of smart folks, plenty of folks who are oblivious. In general, in a grocery store you get the full spectrum of your everyday citizen. From the British father of 3 young boys, to the Yukoslavian couple who rails against Stop and Shop for intentionally over charging them, to the plethora of single mothers, working mothers, grandmothers and fairy god mothers (that is a totally different story!) ...needless to say, it keeps things interesting and I don't mind at all!
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