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The least interesting man in the world!
I have such a peculiar set of complexes. One of which is procrastinating. This is nothing I'm proud of, if anything I'd say I was embarrassed, but I am at the very least systematic in my procrastination. Throughout the last month I have been doing mental gymnastics; I suppose it would be described as a fencing match, excuses and justifications artfully countering obligations and responsibilities. My brother Dave asked whether or not this blog was a "failed experiment"...after assuring him that it was not dead yet, I clicked over to xkcd and read this web comic:
So, after deciding to be a better "blogger" on the 21st of July (one month before my time in Kenya), and the 1st of August (a new month, wahoo!) I made a new commitment this week, to start tomorrow (10 days before before I leave), and if that failed, Friday (t-minus 7 days). Yet as I was sitting here in the computer lab at ENC I did some uncharacteristic, I decided to just DO it. No system, no reason, but also no procrastination! Life in Quincy has gotten significantly more interesting. As of last weekend I have moved back into the dorms for about 9 days. I will be a fill in RA for the summer capstone program at ENC. I have been juggling tutoring, working at Hannaford and kicking people out of lounges at midnight. These kids are nice enough, but DANG get some sleep! It's very strange to see my "college" biological clock slowly fade into something normal. It's kind of like watching a much loved pet slowly decide it likes your younger neighbor better. I guess its only a matter of time before Chester the biological clock-cat moves in and leaves me with Harold the cranky puss adult-clock. Speaking of sleeping, this Calvin and Hobbes comic speaks very well to part of my philosophy on life:

This is the last week I'll be living here in Quincy, on Friday I will be going home to New York for a week to hang out with my family and Allie before I leave. I am super excited to go home. It is going to be so tough living apart from Allie, Mom and Dad and my siblings for so many months. Yet I have confidence that God will supply what I need while overseas, whether it be a close friend or an old African lady to mother me, things will be fine. So this week the goal is to make lists, go shopping and get all my ducks in a row! I am very close and only need a few productive hours to wrap everything up. Don't forget to remember the wisdom of Hobbes:
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