This weekend was Jamburi Day in Kenya - Kenyan Independence day, if you will. It's pretty sweet end of the semester, especially for the students...Friday was the last day of classes, and Saturday was a public holiday. Speaking of Saturday, the Nairobi Chamber Chorus (who I have the GOOD fortune of singing with) was invited to sing at the National celebration at the Nairobi State House - where the President of Kenya lives. It was a big ol' jamboree in the front yard of the State House, there were about 12 (maybe?) performing groups to provide entertainment for Mr. Kibaki (the president) and a bunch of dignitary hoo-ha's. We were one of those groups. It was a lovely day, and I expected to get home late afternoon and do some stuff before dinner. Well, the event was scheduled for 2 pm, but Mr. Kibaki did not show up until about 4:45, so the program didn't really get moving until 5.
The singing and dancing was all very fun though - I wish they allowed me to take pictures! They were checking cameras at the edge of the State House property. Very sad because there were some awesome traditional performers that would've made some wonderful pictures...not to mention the President. Oh well. Its the closest I've ever been to a political "big wig" so it was pretty fun.
SUNDAY we had a performance as well. I went to church in the morning then hopped down to Nairobi to meet up with the choir. After some scrambling to photocopy music, we all piled into a matatu and went to the British High Chancellors house. I actually know nothing about what the British High Chancellor does, but the event was a fund raiser for um... something. Anyway, we had a good time, it was a long concert where we sang most of our repertoire, including a good chunk of Christmas carols. Highlight of the day for me (despite their lovely home and mince pies they gave delicious.) was our accompanist (accompianist? :) ) A Chinese woman whose name I forget (so you won't have to butcher it) had her "Doctor of Musical Arts", basically the PhD of piano performance. She was incredible! I wish she played more pieces, but alas.
After the concert I spent the night at Emmanuel Ashene's place. It was quite fun, we watched a movie, ate some githeri and eggs...then we fell asleep to the addicting goodness of 24. So good - though I'm glad I don't have the DVDs, I would have no soul.
Today, I hope to touch base with my Norwegian friend at St. Paul's orphanage to hopefully make some progress on their website (it all depends on whether I can find some air time...), finish my laundry and juggle other details and responsibilities.
On Wednesday morning (early!) I'll be going up country for a bit less than 2 weeks. This will be quite fun, I am looking forward to it, but it means I need to finish some stuff up on campus promptly! Pray for me for the wisdom/discipline to finish things on time and not forget anything!
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