Friday, December 4, 2009

Kenya Update 12/4/09 - Invigilation

This week I learned a new word: invigilation. This is like the old school style of proctoring exams, literally defined as "keeping watch over examination candidates to prevent cheating" (thanks Google define:!) I think sometimes how "cool" a word sounds influences my gut reaction to how cool something is. For example: I was asked to be an invigilator for the final exams that were help this week! That sounded very cool, like I would get a sash or a whistle... but it turns out invigilating is not as exciting as it sounds - indeed the act of saying the word "invigilation" is more fun than the act of invigilating itself! The way that final exams work is super intimidating though - 400 students in one room with invigilators walking up and down the aisles looking for cheaters...for 3 Reminded me of the standardized tests we took growing up.

My students did well enough on their exam, both passing, one with flying colors and the other with muted earth tones. Uncanny how there is a direct relationship between how much you study and how well you do on exams. Who would have thought?

Yesterday evening I spent time with the Pitts getting ready for Christmas. This involved eating a delightfully home cooked meal while watching Elf, putting up Christmas decorations and a long conversation. It is very good to have people in your life to encourage you who seem to encouraged by you in the process. This is their first Christmas sans immediate family as well, so it's good to be together. Also, when I was doing lights I shocked myself with good ol' 220v Kenyan AC didn't feel good, but my hearts still beating. More fodder for that "2 Truths and a Lie" game that everyone (teenagers) love so much!

The name of the game this weekend is wedding. Tomorrow Dibo and Jeannette are getting married, which means this evening I'll have 4 of the groomsmen sleeping in my flat, which will be WILD. 2 in the bed, 1 on the floor and one on the coach. Super fun. Tomorrow should be fun too. Dibo asked me to be a groomsman which is quite an honor and pleasure, and I get a nice blue tie from China ( lie) out of the deal! I don't know what tonight will hold, but I know tomorrow will be a very exciting day (while it will be exhausting!) I'll be sure to take pictures of the festivities.

My thoughts are with everyone at home during Christmas preparations. It won't be easy being apart, but God is faithful - and we're still celebrating together, we'll just be doing it globally instead of locally! :) Speaking of which, there is a neat thing that the Blood:Water Mission folks are doing this year...for 85 dollars you can buy whats called a BioSand Filter, a device that uses sand to clean water. It is hard for us to imagine how great the need for clean water is in developing countries - but it's true. This filter seems like a natural and efficient way to improve peoples lives where its not possible to get clean well water. Check out the site and video and think about the real difference your dollars can make for people!

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